Driver's Name:  

Driver’s License Number:

Unit Number:

Date of Advance:

Amount: $

Cash Advance Fee: 15%



Upon signing this agreement, I acknowledge the necessity to furnish original receipts for all disbursements related to the cash advance provided to me in the aforementioned amount.

I am fully aware of my responsibility to submit both original receipts and copies thereof to the accounting department of Nice Guys LLC upon the conclusion of the relevant purchase or payments.

In adherence to the terms outlined in this agreement, I commit to returning the entire sum, inclusive of the Cash Advance Fee, to Nice Guys LLC by the . It is understood that failure to fulfill this obligation will result in my assuming the responsibility for covering any legal fees incurred by Nice Guys LLC, and legal action may be pursued against me.

By affixing my signature to this agreement, I grant Nice Guys LLC authorization to deduct the repayment amount from my subsequent payroll, commencing from the first pay period immediately following the period in which this advance is granted.

In the event of my termination of employment prior to the complete repayment of this Cash Advance, I consent to Nice Guys LLC deducting any outstanding Cash Advance amount from my final paycheck, as may be owed at the time of employment termination.


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Signature arrow sign here

Signed by Relja Hrnjicek
Signed On: January 4, 2024

Signature Certificate
lock iconUnique Document ID: 170287c60a3eb7733666d91e0d64432f2ab91c55
Timestamp Audit
January 4, 2024 11:43 am CDTCASH ADVANCE AGREEMENT Uploaded by Relja Hrnjicek - [email protected] IP